
0-24 months

5 Days 8am-5pm $1950/month

4 Days 8am-5pm $1795/month

Early Care 7:30-8:00 Add $100

Late Care 5:00-5:30 Add $100

Toddlers 24-36 months

5 Days 8am-5pm $1650/month

4 Days 8am-5pm $1495/month

Early Care 7:30-8:00 Add $100

Late Care 5:00-5:30 Add $100

Preschool 3-5 years

5 Days 8am-5pm $1450/month

4 Days 8am-5pm $1295/month

Early Care 7:30-8:00 Add $100

Late Care 5:00-5:30 Add $100

Experience You Can Trust Our Director Tiffany Kear and some of our best early childhood educators have been teaching at Children’s Cottage for well over a decade. Their dedication and high standards provide a safe, nurturing, and joyful beginning to your child’s educational and human journey.

Director Tiffany Kear

Value for Your Money Our monthly tuition has no hidden costs or surprise add-ons. Life is unpredictable and employment, housing, or family situations can change. We don’t have long-term contacts so you can always change or cancel your enrollment with a 1-month notice. You’re not penalized if you don’t pay your tuition by the 1st of the month. We don’t have a “materials fee” or a “supplies fee.” We provide free Costco unscented baby wipes for infants, as well as for toddlers when they are ready for potty training. Healthy snacks are also provided twice a day for every child in our toddler & preschool programs. Compare all the costs and you will find we are thousands of dollars less per year than some other centers in Napa.

We Are Local Outstanding early care and education in Napa since 1993. We are long time members of the Napa Chamber of Commerce and are a proud sponsor of the Napa Moms non-profit organization. We’ve been continually rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau for over 30 years running.

We are the workforce behind the workforce Some centers in Napa close up to 27 days each year! If you’re a working parent, we’ve got your back! We are open all year-round, closing only for the very major holidays. Also, we are OPEN on Veteran’s Day, Columbus Day, Cesar Chavez Day, and Juneteenth.

We accept new enrollments throughout the year as long as space is available. Our Infant Center and Preschool are currently full at this time. Click on the “Family Needs Form” Button below and we’ll contact you to answer questions and set up a tour if you want.

Click the CRC Logo above to call from your cell (707) 253-0376